Parts Specialists Luther Automotive is currently seeking a motivated individual to train for as an Entry Level Parts Specialist to assist in our Parts Departments. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to get...
Assemble your career path forward with Volt Volt is hiring Assembly Workers in Rogers, MN Job Perks for assemblers:Climate ControlledFree/Safe ParkingWeekly Pay/BenefitsSick & Safe PayEntry LevelLong Term AssignmentAs an assembly worker you...
Everlight Solar is seeking a hardworking individual to fill the role of Electrical Assistant. We are looking for a dependable individual that is passionate about developing lifelong skills and is seeking an entry-level position into the solar...
Vector Marketing has immediate openings for entry level sales rep positions. Our representatives sell Cutco products through one-on-one appointments that emphasize customer service. Experience is not necessary because our training is designed to...