POWER Engineers, Inc. is seeking an Entry Level Electrical Engineer to work in our Generation Electrical Department. Openings are available for the Boise, ID; Overland Park (Kansas City), KS; and Oradell, NJ offices. Responsibilities include:...
Property Description: Marriott Kansas City Overland Park presents an exciting opportunity for job applicants looking to join a renowned hospitality brand. Located in the heart of Overland Park, Kansas, our hotel offers a dynamic and...
We are interested in hearing from talented, like-minded individuals with a passion for Sales and Customer Service! If you enjoy working in a collaborative and fast-paced environment, then you will be a great fit for our Entry Level Account Manager...
GARNEY CONSTRUCTION A Laborer position is available in De Soto, KS.This is an entry-level position for a dependable person who wants to assist in daily tasks and learn the essential skills to start a career in the construction...
Vector Marketing has immediate openings for entry level sales rep positions. Our representatives sell Cutco products through one-on-one appointments that emphasize customer service. Experience is not necessary because our training is designed to...